1. For this project, you are to select a real-life criminal incident that highli


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1. For this project, you are to select a real-life criminal incident that highlights the use of DNA and a problem involving DNA in the case. 2. You must summarize the case facts and make sure that you clearly identify the nature of the DNA evidence and issues in question. 3. What is its value to the investigation? 4. What was the procedure used for collecting, preserving, and testing the item(s) where the DNA was found, and its impact on the final case disposition? 5. Additionally, identify how the DNA problem(s) could have been avoided. 6. Recommend any policies or procedures that could be put in place to avoid similar issues in the future. 7. Finally, identify any budgetary concerns with regard to the lab tests, and if so, what impact do those concerns potentially have on the investigation.

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