Behavioral Approach Assignment Read the attached class presentation and chapter


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Behavioral Approach Assignment
Read the attached class presentation and chapter four of the course textbook, The Behavioral Approach, and address the following: Describe and expound upon the historical aspects of the task and behavior dimensions as they relate to leadership. Compare and contrast the Ohio and Michigan Studies and give examples of how the findings relate to leadership practices.
Describe Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid and give an example of how your leadership practice concerning a specific scenario you have encountered relates to the grid. Explore how your response may have differed or remained the same had you applied the behavioral approach.
Read Case 4.3, Cheer Coach Monica Aldama and answer the following questions:
a. How would you describe Coach Aldama’s leadership behavior in terms of initiating structure and consideration? Is she more task oriented or relationship-oriented?
b. Where on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid would you place Coach Aldama? Defend your answer.
c. How would you describe Coach Aldama’s leadership behavior in terms of paternalism/maternalism?
d. Do you think the leadership behavior of opportunism applies to Coach Aldama? Explain your answer.
NOTE: Address the above in APA format. Save your work in an MS Word Document with a coversheet listing the assignment directions. Attached is a copy of the publish

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