Case Study Just prior to closing out your day as the HIM Director of Arizona Amb

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Case Study
Just prior to closing out your day as the HIM Director of Arizona Ambulatory Clinic, you receive a call from a disgruntled patron. The consumer is highly frustrated about the amount of time his spouse spends during her clinic visits. The patient has been visiting the clinic for the past three years. She suffers from chronic illnesses and most recently she is experiencing GI discomfort. Her visits are normally scheduled for 30-45 minutes. However, the patient’s spouse reports she is not discharged for two and half after patient check in on a regularly.
Construct a cause and effect diagram to demonstrate how your team would solve this clinical throughput problem?
End Product
Demonstrate your ability to interpret a risk analysis cause and effect diagram by publishing a final list of the top ten features and best practices based on current literature discussing healthcare risk analysis and cause and effect diagrams. .
Each student is to draw a fishbone diagram, conduct an online literature search and report back their top ten features and best practices findings for constructing a cause and effect diagram to the group.
Your list is to include at least two external citations. Two articles have been included to assist you. The top ten list including at lease to external citations
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