Determine the following: 1. VR Video Game Title 2. VR Video Game Concept (a brie


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Determine the following: 1. VR Video Game Title 2. VR Video Game Concept (a brief description consisting of 25-50 words) 3. VR Video Game Goal(s) (refer to SMART Goals in Unit 2 Project Planning Tutorial Module). You must have at least TWO (2) goals. 4. Identify the VR Video Game’s purpose (title, concept, and goals). 5. Complete a Project Design Document showing the structure of the game., 6. Write a short essay consisting of 500 words (approximately 2 pages) describing how each of the above elements contributes to the goal(s) of the VR Video Game. – Be specific on the details of the attributes of the elements you selected and justify those decisions. – Use terminology and concepts learned as it relates to video games, virtual reality, storyboarding, and wireframing. – Create a References page, in APA format, citing any references you used in creation of the storyboard, wireframe(s), and short essay. You should use at least TWO (2) references.

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