explain the boy’s actions according to each of the four theories.  On his way h

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explain the boy’s actions according to each of the four theories. 
On his way home from school, a fourteen year old boy from a poor family stops by a convenience store for something to drink. When he thinks the clerk is not looking, the boy slips a bottle of soda and a candy bar into his book bag, and walks towards the door. The clerk catches the boy and calls the police. How might you explain the boy’s behavior according to each of the four crime causation theories? You must answer all four. Refer to your book, the Internet, or other source for reference assistance if needed.
1. Biological Theory
2. Psychological Theory
3. Social Structure Theory
4. Social Process Theory
Your submission must reflect an APA format with in-text citations and a reference list and be submitted as a WORD document. 

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