For the Module 5 discussion, do not use Tuberculosis as a topic as it has been p


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For the Module 5 discussion, do not use Tuberculosis as a topic as it has been previously discussed. Also Covid impacts all populations so do not use it as a topic. No Hepatitis B as well.
Choose one of the diseases/illnesses that is a major cause of morbidity and/or mortality in an immigrant or migrant population. What surveillance system- passive, active, sentinel, or special – would the public health nurse use to detect the disease/illness and reduce the potential for morbidity and mortality? Specify interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. What sociocultural factors impact the immigrant of migrant population as it relates to the disease/illness? Evaluate the resources that are available for prevention, assessment, intervention, and follow up care for the disease/illness. Are these resources available at the local, state, and/or federal levels?
Make sure resources are peer-reviewed for no more than five years, from 2019 until the present.

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