For this assignment, you will take a look at some of your food choices to select


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For this assignment, you will take a look at some of your food choices to select one food that you ate recently that might be considered “nutrient-dense” and one that would be considered a source of “empty calories”.
Explain why nutrition is important.
Describe the components of a healthy diet. Distinguish between whole foods, processed foods, and ultra-processed foods. Explain what an enriched food, fortified food, and organic food is. Explain the concept of kcalories
Identify reliable sources of nutrition and health information. Critically evaluate the quality of information on the internet. List food sources of added sugar, saturated fat and sodium.
Interpret nutrition-related information on a packaged food label. Select two different food items and compare their nutrition labels by filling in the respective nutrient information in the Nutritional Analysis Data Chart. You may need to utilize a website such as MyFitnessPalto access nutrient data.

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