One of the most common questions the general public asks about intimate partne

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 One of the most common questions the general public asks about intimate partner violence (ipv) is “Why does she stay? “Health educator Lawrence Green and his colleagues (1980) identified three types of factors that can affect the help-seeking process by either encouraging or discouraging action: Predisposing factors: attitudes, perceptions, or beliefs that either facilitate or hinder personal motivation to act
Enabling factors: factors that either help by their presence or hinder by their absence like the ability to obtain necessary assistance (limited facilities, inadequate personnel, lack of funds)
Reinforcing factors: characteristics of services or attitudes of caregivers that assist in decision-making like the feedback or attention received. For the purpose of this discussion topic, take a look at the Lisa Steinberg/Hedda Nussbaum Case Study and respond to the following:
Explain the possible issues affecting the help-seeking behavior of Hedda Nussbaum, including issues in the victim and offender response system that inhibited appropriate intervention
Please support your response.
Note: Review the case history attached to this post. 
Lisa Steinberg Case.docx (link will download a word doc) 

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