Overview In your text, Information Technology for Management: Driving Digital Tr


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In your text, Information Technology for Management: Driving Digital Transformation to Increase Local and Global Performance, Growth and Sustainability, Chapter 13, the opening case was “It Took 10 Years and More Than $600 Million to Realize That Big Muscles, Not Computer, Can Best Move Baggage” The project was intended to integrate baggage handling at all three of the airport’s concourses into one single reliable baggage system. The project was burdened with unrealistic expectations, but it was still approved for implementation despite expert warnings. The implementation proved to be a failure due to numerous delays that impacted the opening of Denver’s international airport.
There are many system development methodologies, including waterfall, iterative, DevOps, spiral, lean, object-oriented, and agile.
For this activity, review the DIA case study from Chapter 13. In a 1- to 2-page written document:
Summarize the SDLC steps taken in the case study.
Describe at least three points of failure.
Select one methodology you would use to yield a successful implementation and justify its use.
Explain how the points of failure would be successfully addressed by the new methodology.
What to Submit
You will submit your 1- to 2-page written response as a Word document.

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