Present a biography of an important figure in American history from the Revoluti


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Present a biography of an important figure in American history from the Revolutionary period (1763-1789). Choose someone that played an influential role in the fight for American Independence. You may choose any figure as long as you are able to explain why we should want to know more about them and why they were important to American history. The biography can be presented as either a 6 to 8-page scholarly paper.Notes must be in Turabian (also known as Chicago) format and include at least three sources.
state why you chose the individual, give a brief synopsis of their background, describe their careers, and explain their impact on the history of the United States to include why you think we should know more about them. The important thing is to answer the “so what?” question which means giving us the reasons why we should learn more about this person.
Papers will be formatted with 1” margins, use 12-point Times New Roman font, be double spaced, include a title page and bibliography.

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