Select ONE of the following topics and complete the written assignment requireme


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Select ONE of the following topics and complete the written assignment requirement:
1. Remote Access
Using your textbook and one additional source, write a brief introduction to remote authentication protocols.
In the body of the paper, answer these questions:

How do you think employees access the essential resources at the office when they are at a conference or a seminar?
What are the vulnerabilities of remote access?
What can one do to secure remote access?
Write a brief conclusion.

2. PKI and Encryption at Work

Download and read the assignment file, PKI and Encryption at Work.
Carefully follow the instructions listed in the assignment file.
Place your answers in a Word compatible file using good writing, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Make sure you include a proper APA format citation.
Attach the document to this assignment link.

Be sure to adhere to the Good Name Policy in the Student Handbook, write in a concise manner.
Adhere to APA writing style standards ( View APA resources under Getting Started- How to Tutorials and Resources).
It should be 1 – 2 pages in length.
The paper should include sources from the in-class readings and 2 + outside sources to support the research.
Cover page and works cited are not included in the page count.

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