Short Essay 2: Short Essay 2: Clinical Prevention & Population Health Limit


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Short Essay 2:
Short Essay 2: Clinical Prevention & Population Health

Limit your response to each question to 2-4 paragraphs. All responses to each question needs to be supported with evidence from the literature.
Explain why is it important for the DNP-prepared nurse to understand care delivery models such as health promotion models and cultural dimensions of health? Provide examples from your current practice (or recent practice). Be certain to describe your population.
The role of the nurse administrator often focuses on organizational change. Dr. Vickers described John Kotter’s model of understanding change. Reflect on your experiences in healthcare change. Does this model adequately describe the course of change in your experience? Why or why not? Included descriiption of a change process you have been involved with, either as a leader or as a follower of change. Discuss what could have been done differently to support the change in practice or process.
Discuss why the DNP-prepared clinician is uniquely qualified to meet the needs of vulnerable populations. Consider the client population that you encounter in your current practice (or recent practice).
Organize the 3 essays into a single document, 1 title page and 1 reference list. Use an appropriate headers to identify the essence of each question. Remember to use APA formatting.

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