Some problems will involve work by hand using a calculator. Some of the exercise


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Some problems will involve work by hand using a calculator. Some of the exercises will involve Excel. This will provide an opportunity for most students in this class to improve their Excel skills.
Show your work for all graded problems. Be sure to clearly indicate your answer. If you use Excel, paste a copy of the supporting output into your answers. Please use ASWCC statistical tables for all problems as needed.
For both Problem Sets and Exams, getting the correct answer is not that important (but useful!). I am most interested in the process used to head to a correct solution and an appropriate strategy is shown or explained.
Showing formulas where appropriate, pictures of distributions or other items relevant to the solution is critical. Showing the steps that logically lead a solution with the various steps is important. It is important to answer the question asked.
A major error that shows a lack of understanding of the concept will result in loss of all or most points for the problem. Getting the correct answer does not help.
A minor error such as an arithmetic error that may impact the solution but understanding of the problem is clear will result in a small number of points deducted.
I included an practice excersise and the answers to show how it should be written.

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