Synthesize/Apply/Reflect Part 1: Select 5 Learning Theories that you do or would


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Part 1: Select 5 Learning Theories that you do or would like to include in your teaching. Make a 3-column Table. In column 1, put the name of the Learning Theory and the name of the Philosopher associated with it. In column 2, bullet 4 or more key ideas of the theory. In column 3. List 3 or more classroom activities that support the learning theory.
Part 2: Select 1 of your Resources and begin an Annotated Bibliography to keep track of educational theory and literature. Help for creating an Annotated Bibliography of relevant educational theory and literature can be found here:
Each citation is to include: – the one paragraph summary of the text, a one paragraph evaluation of the text, and a one paragraph reflection on how you can apply it to your knowledge base
Put both parts – the Table and Annotated Bibliography- in one (1) file and submit as usual.
Assignment Guidelines
Your assignment must include:
Part 1: 5 Learning Theories that you include or would like to include in your teaching
A 3-column table that includes the Learning Theory, name of the philosopher associated with it in column 1
In column 2, 4 bulleted key ideas of the theory.
In column 3, 3 or more classroom activities that support the learning theory.
Citations from course materials
Part 2: Choose one of your resources and begin an annotated bibliography.
Both parts put into one file and submit as usual.
Citations from both the module and this week’s resources.

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