The cells in our body are complex cells called eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cel


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The cells in our body are complex cells called eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are very simple, like bacteria. Prokaryotic cells tend to be less organized and more primitive, whereas eukaryotic cells like our skin, liver, and brain cells benefit from the complexity of organization and compartmentalization. Although simple, prokaryotic cells like bacteria are not compartmentalized like human and animal cells, but they seem to function as they need to.
Bacteria have been around for millions of years and survive in the harshest of conditions. Is being complex always beneficial?
Use the search terms “eukaryotic” or “prokaryotic” at The Scientist site and find a recent discovery to share with your classmates. Summarize the article and compare/contrast the articles findings with those of your classmates.–1910-64836

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