The Comprehensive Assessment provides a fresh start with Tina Jones where you

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The Comprehensive Assessment provides a fresh start with Tina Jones where you can demonstrate mastery of a head-to-toe examination and assessment.
As part of this assignment, you will then submit a typed write-up of your physical assessment of Tina. Make sure to follow the proper sequencing order in your physical assessment write up and use correct terminology. A sample of a physical examination with care plan can be found in the Jarvis textbook on page 787-788. 
This is a one-time attempt. You will upload the head to toe assessment write up and the lab pass from shadow health to be reviewed by your professor. 
The Write-Up is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The Write-Up should be formatted per current APA and 1 page in length exclude cover page.

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