Us highlighted feedback below to assignment and title it “week 4”. By providin


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Us highlighted feedback below to assignment and title it “week 4”.

By providing guidance and direction, the CEO plays a crucial role in defining the company’s values, culture, and market presence, all of which contribute to its overall success. The CEO holds the responsibility for shaping the overall image of the company and planning its development goals.

For the Week 4 assignment submit your updated Week 2 outline (based on the feedback received from your professor on your initial class discussion postings and your week 2 outline) this week with the following 4 completed sections inserted: history, leadership, ethics and legal plus the ESG report, and strategic analysis. The 4 sections must be researched and written completely in their final form. Each section must be a minimum of 3 pages of narrative with a minimum of 2 in-text cites to the references. The Abstract or Executive Summary must be revised.
The Conclusions with Recommendations section must have at least one key conclusion and one key recommendation for each of the 4 completed sections of the paper.
Review the feedback in your grade book on your prior and current week’s initial class discussion postings. Be certain to apply that feedback as you prepare this week’s assignment.
To decrease your SafeAssign percentage, add more original writing. For example, you could expand on your conclusions and recommendations. Explain how and why you came to your conclusions and recommendations. Perhaps relate your thoughts to your professional and/or firsthand experiences.

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