USING OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONING IN ASSESSMENT Open-ended questions cannot be answe

Human Resource Management homework help

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Open-ended questions cannot be answered in a one- or two-word response. Rather, they are phrased to encourage elaboration and typically begin with words, such as “why,” “how,” or “what,” or phrases, such as “tell me about…” or “help me understand…” For example, an advanced human services professional practitioner, meeting with a service user who is married to an abusive spouse, might ask an open-ended question like, “What is your relationship with your spouse like?,” rather than “When did the physical abuse begin?”
In this Discussion, you will ask open-ended questions to the service user in the case study you were assigned last week.In this Discussion, you will ask open-ended questions to the service user in the case study you were assigned last week.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 
Identify the Hart City case study you were assigned in the subject line of your post.
Post the three most important questions you would ask your service user in the case study to assess their most critical need. Remember to use open-ended questions. Explain why you chose to ask each question and what information you are trying to elicit from the service user. Be specific. 

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