a narrative that tells the story of something you believe now as a res ● Tell yo


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a narrative that tells the story of something you believe now as a res
● Tell your story and be specific. Consider moments when your belief was formed, tested o dramatic or traumatic, but it must have happened to you (NOT “when my cousin got married between 500 and 800 words. That’s
about 2 to 3 pages double-spaced.
● Name your belief: It should be able to be said in a single sentence. For
example: “I believe humans are essentially good.” “I believe professors are really mentors.” the key to success.”
● Use chronological order: Narratives have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
● Be positive: Write about what you do believe, not what you don’t believe. ● Be personal: first person. Avoid
speaking in the editorial “we.” Yes, youmay use first person in this essay. Your paper should include the following:
Clear belief statement ● A story of YOUR life (that shaped your belief) ● A beginning, m periods of time, or give
too much detail about insignificant events)
Formatting Guidelines:
Each paper will be roughly 2-3 pages MLA formatting is expected:
● 12 point font ● Times New Roman ● Double-spacing
● In text/parenthetical citations after each quotation used ● Works Cited Page

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