A news story [300—400 words] The story should be newsworthy and based on facts.


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A news story [300—400 words]
The story should be newsworthy and based on facts. It should reveal something we do not know or
offer a fresh perspective on a situation. It should not simply tell us what is already in the public
The story should be fully sourced and should demonstrate original reporting including: interviews,
observations and/or original analysis of secondary data.
The story should be written in an inverted pyramid style and read like a news report for a print or
online publication. It should have a headline that is no longer than eight words and that contains a
The story must be original. Do not rework a story that has been submitted in another course or in
any other forum, eg: internship, ABC Pitch.
The story should be written as a piece of publishable journalism. It should use journalistic
attribution, style and form.
Follow the ABC Style Guide regarding sourcing.
Do not use academic referencing. Instead, include a list of primary and secondary sources at the end.
The list should detail:
• Full name and position of person or title and author of document;
• Date and location of interview;
• Contact details or link to file, for example:
Don Tellanyone, Big Company chief executive. Interviewed May 3 via Zoom. Email:

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