A well-written assignment should demonstrate clear, concise, and logical writing


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A well-written assignment should demonstrate clear, concise, and logical writing that effectively communicates ideas. Here are the key elements to a satisfactorily written assignment in this course: 1. Ideas should flow logically from one paragraph to the next. Avoid jumping between ideas without clear transitions. 2. Ensure that each paragraph is focused and contributes to the overall discussion. 3. Use clear and concise language, avoiding ambiguity. Avoid extraneous language, filler words, and repetitive content. 4. Do not replace substantive writing with lists, excessive spacing, or other corner-cutting techniques. 5. Utilize APA-style headings to organize content and make it easier to follow. Headings should be descriptive and reflect the structure of the assignment but should not merely be a copy and paste of the assignment prompt. Use specific examples, evidence, and sources to support arguments and claims. Demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing and synthesizing information, by providing insights, drawing connections between ideas, and offering a well-reasoned discussion. Week 4: 1. Read about the Golden Gate Bridge Net and the work of Kevin Briggs. Which types of community interventions do you think these are? Give an example of an issue you feel strongly about and a community practice intervention that has been used, or that could be used. 2. In Hardina, we read about ethical dilemmas in community work. Describe one of these dilemmas and give a practical example of where/when this type of dilemma could occur. Review the Ethical Rules Screen. Do you agree with the order (hierarchy/leveling) of principles? Why or why not? https://www.goldengate.org/district/district-projects/suicide-deterrent-net/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7CIq4mtiamY&pp=QACIAgE%3D&rco=1

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