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These instructions reflect a task our writers previously completed for another student. Should you require assistance with the same assignment, please submit your homework details to our writers’ platform. This will ensure you receive an original paper, you can submit as your own. For further guidance, visit our ‘How It Works’ page.

All instructions and links will be in the file or explained here.

In instruction 1 it will ask you to choose either “Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk” or Read “Chapter 10 (“Property”) of Lessig’s Free Culture (2002)”. I just provided the link for the youtube video because the chapter 10 I am unable to open.
After you watch, listen to, or read Tales from the Public Domain: Bound by Law? and Lawrence Lessig’s lecture or chapter, consider carefully the ideas raised in these materials, and write a cohesive post in which you address them.
Are our current laws which apply to intellectual property appropriate and necessary? Should they be scaled back or done away with? To what degree do alternatives to copyright like Creative Commons solve any problems you perceive with IP laws?
Be sure and refer to the required materials in making your points,
2nd Part of the assignment: Please post this on a separate page. Also you do need to add an image. That will be in the instructions for the 2nd part. you can ignore that.

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