APA format APA citations minimum 2 pages minimum two scholarly sources rubric is


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APA format
APA citations
minimum 2 pages
minimum two scholarly sources
rubric is in the document attached
first fill out the table in the document attached then the two page report
Appendix A is for the table, Appendix B is for the report
the document attached has a layout of all directions and the table
To begin, use the Virtual Library and other scholarly sources to research Kilmann’s Five Responses to Conflict Situations (Competing, Accommodating, Avoiding, Collaborating, and Compromising).
Using the information, you have learned from class and from your own research, complete the table in the template in Appendix A of this document (pages 4 and 5). For each row in the table, provide a description/definition of the response to conflict, as well as at least one “pro” and at least one “con.”
Once you have completed the table, read the case study in Appendix B of this document (page 6). You will then write a two-page narrative. The narrative will describe the main conflict seen in the case study and will apply the possible responses to conflict to the case study. Citations for at least two outside scholarly resources (and a reference section) must be included as part of your paper.

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