Costs to defend against cyber threats continue to grow as losses mount from cybe

Homeland Security

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Costs to defend against cyber threats continue to grow as losses mount from cybercrime. Examples of these crimes include retailers such as Target and Home Depot with the loss credit card information, to Sony related loss of company secrets on film releases, and to the US Government, with millions of government employee’s personal data breached. Cybercrime is now an everyday occurrence and estimated annual costs due to these acts have soared into the hundreds of billions of dollars.
For this SLP, answer the following:
What are some estimates on the cost of cybercrime to individuals, businesses, and the governments?
Describe some significant cybercrime examples (at least one to a government, business and individual). Comment on the actor, target, methods and resulting impact.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Assignments should be 3-5 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.
Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.
Use strong credible sources – peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).

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