. **Discussion Lead (on an article)**: – You need to read the article by Kent &


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. **Discussion Lead (on an article)**: – You need to read the article by Kent & Li (2020), “Toward a Normative Social Media Theory for Public Relations.” – After reading, you’ll give a short summary of the article to the class. – **Please make sure to send me key discussion points**… This means information to guide the conversation, asking questions, and encouraging others to share their thoughts. 2. **Debater (on a theory)**: Propaganda Theories – Your job is to prepare at least 2-3 thoughtful questions to ask during the discussion about these theories. These questions should show that you’ve done your research and thought carefully about the topic. – Generate a 6 page powerpoint presentation to briefly introduce this theory… In short: – Read and discuss the *Kent & Li* article. **Send me your discussion lead points**. – Ask prepared questions during the discussion on *Propaganda Theories*.

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