Each chapter, the student will be required choose one topic from the chapter and


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Each chapter, the student will be required choose one topic from the chapter and perform a literature review using the top 40 accounting journals (not including the top five practitioner journals) identified in Hasselback et al. 2012, “Benchmarking the Research Productivity of Accounting Doctorates,” (Issues in Accounting Education). This review should include 4 articles( 2 from each chapter) from the past 5 years. In a written summary of approximately 1,000 words, not including references page(s) in APA format, Times Roman 12-point font), the student should
discuss the literature,
identify theories used,
present key findings, and
provide at least 5 questions for future research.
Here is a sample of the type of work I am looking for:
Requirements: 1000 words
Hi, this one is just like the last one you did for me buddy. I am going to attach ch 5 & 6 here for your use.
Attached is the sample and chapter 5 and 6

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