Essay Question: Suppose someone says to you that you should not eat meat because


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Essay Question: Suppose someone says to you that you should not eat meat because animals are conscious and feel pain. But, they say, it’s okay to eat plants, since clearly they are not conscious and so do not feel pain. Based on the problem of other minds as set forth in the materials provided how would you argue that there is actually no way to know whether animals or plants are conscious and feel pain?Instructions: Your write up should be 400 – 600 words double-spaced. You should not quote any outside materials. Your essay should be 100% in your own words. (And of course if you plagiarize, or use an AI program, you will receive a 0.)Tip: Start your essay by explaining what the problem of other minds is. Why is it so hard (if not impossible) to figure out what other people are feeling – or indeed, whether they have feelings at all. Then explain how you can extend the problem of other minds to plants and animals, and why it’s so hard (if not impossible) to know whether they have any feelings, including whether they feel pain.

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