Follow Instructions thoroughly. Textbook: Basta A., Basta N. & Brown M. (2014) C


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Follow Instructions thoroughly.
Textbook: Basta A., Basta N. & Brown M. (2014) Computer Security and Penetration Testing, Cengage, 2nd edition, ISBN: 9781285966403
PURPOSE & AUDIENCE 25% Addresses purpose effectively, uses assignment to explore topic’s intrinsic interest, shows full understanding of issues, engages the audience, proves credibility, uses. headings, format, and citation in APA style (where relevant) effectively 25 points
ORGANIZATION 25% Focuses consistently on clearly expressing central ideas, uses paragraph structure and transition guide reader effectively 25 points
DEVELOPMENT 25% Explores ideas vigorously, supports points fully using a balance of subjectivity and objective evidence, reasons effectively making useful distinctions. . 25 points
LANGUAGE 25% Employs words fluently, develops concise standard English sentences, and effectively balances various sentence structures 25 points.
Hands-On Projects Project 2-1 1.
Create a chart showing the hierarchical classification of each reconnaissance category and methods discussed in this chapter. The specific format of the chart is up to you. For example, you can use UML, or you can create a Venn diagram, organizational chart, or something similar.
Whatever format you choose, your chart should indicate whether a particular method is legal, illegal, or unethical. It should also indicate the level of personal interaction required by a particular method.
2. Break into three work groups, one for each reconnaissance category: social engineering, dumpster diving, and Internet footprinting. For your assigned category, come up with methods that were not discussed in this chapter. Also, indicate methods that may become less valuable over time and why. For example, DNS zone transfer has become less valuable as more DNS servers are patched to deny zone transfers from anonymous or uncertified hosts.
Hands-on Project 2-2 1.
1. Using the Web search method of Internet footprinting, discover all you can about your school’s domain and network.
2. Using the network enumeration method of Internet footprinting, discover all you can about your school’s domain and network.
3. Using the DNS-based reconnaissance method of Internet footprinting, discover all you can about your school’s domain and network.
4. Using the network-based reconnaissance method of Internet footprinting, discover all you can about your school’s domain and network.

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