I want you to write a four-page essay that evaluates the impact of “influencers”


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I want you to write a four-page essay that evaluates the impact of “influencers” on contemporary life. This is not an essay about whether influencers have an impact, since I think we can all agree that they do! It’s an essay that endeavors to analyze and then evaluate their impact—is it positive? Negative? Maybe a little of both?
Your essay should:
Summarize the rise of influencer culture—briefly set the scene for where we are today before launching into your argument.
In your own words, provide a definition of the term “influencer.”
Take a clear stance on the prompt in the form of a thesis statement. Remember: taking a stance does not necessarily mean picking one side. You can have a nuanced position that sees pros and cons to influencers.
Use at least two course readings; support your central argument with text-based claims. Remember to summarize your chosen texts in a way that prioritizes information relevant to your argument before analyzing and evaluating them. (Keep in mind the “They Say / I Say” format—we need to know what, exactly, “they” say before we hear your response!)
Show awareness of any potential opposition.
Feature a conclusion that imagines a better future for influencer culture—you are welcome to build upon Hund’s ideas about industry guardrails, Chayka’s ideas about influencers as curators, and/or you can come up with something completely different. I encourage you to be creative and imaginative here—there are no wrong answers!
You are encouraged to incorporate anecdotal evidence and/or personal experience, although it is not required. Just remember that your argument should be rooted in text-supported claims.

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