In this assignment, you are going to formulate a publish Aim Statement and select


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In this assignment, you are going to formulate a publish Aim Statement and select a framework to utilize as a guide for developing a scholarly project. Use the problem you identified and address a proposed change. The graduate student will approach the project beginning with an Aim Statement and a selected framework as the guide to develop the project.
The assignment format is that of an academic paper constructed utilizing APA (7th ed.) guidelines, including a title page, appropriate use of headings to separate the main sections of the body of the paper, proper in-text citations, and a references page.
The publish paper should include:
· A descriiption of the practice setting.
· A descriiption of the practice population.
· A descriiption of the problem to be addressed by the project.
· An ‘Aim Statement’ relevant to the identified problem.
· A descriiption of a framework to address the problem (a framework based, for instance, on theory, practice, policy, clinical guidelines, best practices, etc.).

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