In this discussion, you will share a publish of one of your body paragraphs. You w


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In this discussion, you will share a publish of one of your body paragraphs. You will also give and receive feedback from your classmates. Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday) Post a publish of one of your body paragraphs. Be sure that your body paragraph includes a clear point that is supported by appropriate details, along with information and ideas from the course readings. Don’t forget to engage with a source in your paragraph. Refer to “Writing Your Body Paragraphs” in this week’s learning resources for tips and sample body paragraphs. Also be sure to demonstrate pronoun-antecedent agreement and the grammar skills covered in previous weeks in your writing. Peer Responses (first peer response due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday; second peer response due by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday) Respond to your classmates and provide feedback on their body paragraphs. Here are a few things you might consider when writing your responses Does the paragraph include a clear point? Suggest possible revisions to make the point more clear. Does the paragraph include appropriate details that support the main point? Suggest possible revisions to improve the supporting details. Does the paragraph include support from sources that are properly cited? Suggest possible revisions to improve the use of sources and citations. What other insight or suggestions might you offer your classmate regarding their body paragraph?

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