In your readings this week you examined how to work effectively with labor (incl


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In your readings this week you examined how to work effectively with labor (including unions) and the importance of strategic alignment in human resource practices. For this discussion, you will apply some of the concepts you’ve studied to specific workplace scenarios. Choose one of the five case studies from Appendix A in your textbook and refer to it to respond to the below questions.
Post a Response
Examine the HR strategies and practices of the selected organization (case study) by answering the following questions.
Briefly identify the organization you selected, including the name of the organization, job title/description, and a sentence or two about the challenges they are facing.
If you were a new HR manager, what competitive HR strategies would you recommend adopting for the company?
Specifically address two of the following categories: work design, recruiting, employee selection, employee retention, performance management, training and development, compensation, and labor union relationships.
Be sure to explain the principles that guide your recommendations.
 Respond to a Peer
Be sure to respond to at least two of your Peers’ posts.
Read a post by one of your peers and provide a substantive response, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

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