Individual Community Needs Assessment research paper directions: o For the indiv

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Individual Community Needs Assessment research paper directions:
o For the individual research paper, you are going to collect relevant data pertaining to the
current mental health needs within the community you live in.
Area : Jacksonville, Florida
o APA style paper with reference page
o 1-2 pages , double-spaced
o Times New Roman ,12 font
Criteria: Rubric
1. Student collects relevant
data that pertains to the
current mental health issues
of the community in which
they live
This includes:

2. Student researches the
current mental health
services offered in their
community ( JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA ) and summarizes
the types of facilities
available to their community
*This should just be a
summary of services offered
and types of facilities. Do
not list every single mental
health facility.
3.Student researches
qualifications to accessing
these mental health services
within their community and
summarizes these findings.
4.Student researches and
identifies potential barriers
or gaps to accessing the
mental health services
within their community
5.Student’s paper is written in
APA style, and sources
used within the paper are
cited in APA format.
Paper is double-spaced, 12
font, Times New Roman, 1-2
pages in length
Student also includes a
Reference page at the end
of the paper that is also in
APA format
Student uses resources
from reliable reports,government-operated sites,
academic studies, peer
reviews, and other reputable
sites or books.

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