Instructions for Business Plan:  Throughout this course, you will be creating

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Instructions for Business Plan:  Throughout this course, you will be creating your own business plan.   There will be 4 main parts each consisting of its own rubric and a final summary discussion.   The required amount of words is 200-250.  Please complete the sections below to obtain full points. 
Late Work and Make-up Policy for Adaptive Business Results:
Only accepted 1 week after the due date, one grade letter reduction.
Instructions for Business Plan Part 3: Please follow the rubric below to obtain the max amount of points.  Answer each criteria question in its entirety by providing in-depth analysis based on your research of the business plan. 
What is the demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, etc) of your product or service that will provide value? Does the target market customer have the disposable income for long-term? Explain.
Explain all 4 areas of your product. What is the product? How did you determine price to sell it? How do you plan to promote the product? Where are the places you plan to distribute your product (online, or brick-and-mortar).
Who is your direct competition? Does your competition have any advantages over your product? Who is your indirect competition and how will it effect your bottom-line?
How do you plan on selling your product? What kind of marketing strategies will you use?
View RubricMarket AnalysisMarket AnalysisCriteriaRatingsPtsTarget Market Customer Profileview longer description/ 10 ptsProduct, Price, Promotion, Placeview longer description/ 5 ptsCompetition in Marketview longer description/ 5 ptsSteps to Make a Saleview longer description/ 5 ptsTotal Points: 0 

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