Instructions Review Questions: Answer the following questions in detail. 1. Exp


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Review Questions: Answer the following questions in detail.
1. Explain the notions of mathematical differences, managerially important differences, and statistical significance. Can results be statistically significant and yet lack managerial importance. Explain your
2. Describe the steps in the procedure for testing hypotheses. Discuss the difference between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis.
3. What purpose does a scatter diagram serve?
4. The following ANOVA summary data are the result of a regression with sales per year (dependent variable)as a function of promotion expenditures per year (independent variable) for a toy company.
F = MSA = 34,276
MSE 4,721
The degrees of freedom are 1 for the numerator and 19 for the denominator. Is the relationship statistically significant at ” = .05? Comment on your answer.
Deliverable length 3-5 body page in APA format with the incorporation and citation of reference material.
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