Lots of reading for this week! Let us talk about it. For your initial post (Due


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Lots of reading for this week! Let us talk about it.
For your initial post (Due by Sept 6 Friday 11:59p):
Juan Seguin’s remains were ultimately brought to Texas where he was buried with honors. What did Seguin do to earn this special treatment?
How did race and prejudice prove to be more powerful than actual deeds and actions in terms of how Anglo newcomers treated Juan Seguin?
Write a journal entry, at least 150 words, as if you were with Seguin during his travels in San Antonio. Describe what you saw, and how you interacted with Seguin. Talk about any historical importance that you witnessed. Did you witness a racial divide? Were you faced with prejudice? Did you take part in combat? Be as detailed as possible using the text and videos to help you.
For your replies (Due by Sept 8 Sunday 11:59p):
Please respond to at least two of your classmates, but feel free to comment on more!
You may respond by noting your own knowledge.
Comment if you are interested in learning more.
Respond with any positive comments or constructive questions.

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