Practise Active Reading, and ask the 4 sets of questions from Chapter 2 of the t


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Practise Active Reading, and ask the 4 sets of questions from Chapter 2 of the textbook.
Then post your short freewriting answers to the following questions (approx. 50 words for each answer):
–Who is John Wayne? What feature/s about John Wayne stand out for you?
–What are Western/cowboy movies about?
–How are Native Americans portrayed in Hollywood movies?
–Do you see any metaphors or other figures of speech in the poem? What are 1-2 examples?
Bonus question: What connections can you see between Western/cowboy movies, and Manifest Destiny?
Note: You will not see your peers’ responses until after you have posted your responses.
3) Then briefly respond to at least one of your peers’ posts (approx. 30-50 words).
Also Quote and discuss at least 2 examples of sound effect, metaphor or symbol used by dear John Wayne What effects do your examples have on your understanding of the poem?
You can simply begin with something like:
One example of [name the sound effect] that I see in the poem is, “quote the lines” (line number/s). Then briefly explain what effect this poetic example has on you as a reader.
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