Read the writing activity information carefully. Selection Option 1 or Option 2


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Read the writing activity information carefully. Selection Option 1 or Option 2 and complete questions 1-2 for that option. Read & reply to one other classmate’s posts, commenting on/analyzing/critiquing the peer’s ideas.
This exercise is designed to start thinking about the concepts of alignment and contrast.
Option 1: Please access the following two websites:
Write a few sentences about how alignment is applied in these two websites. Point out how the two websites apply alignment differently. Which one is more effective in applying the concept of alignment?
Write a few sentences about how contrast is applied in these two websites. Point out how the two websites apply contrast differently. Which one is more effective in applying the concept of contrast?
This exercise is designed to start thinking about the concepts of repetition and proximity.
Option 2: Please access the following two websites:



Write a few sentences about how repetition is applied in these two websites. Point out examples of how the two websites apply repetition effectively. If you think one website is more effective than the other in demonstrating the concept of repetition, explain why.
Write a few sentences about how proximity is applied in these two websites. Point out examples of how the two websites apply proximity effectively. If you think one website is more effective than the other in demonstrating the concept of proximity, explain why.

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