Research Project should be about 3-page, double-spaced typewritten pages plus ta


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Research Project should be about 3-page, double-spaced typewritten pages plus tables and graphs.
Quotes should be no more than 20% of the report.
This project is closely aligned with the course outcomes and Finance program objectives. Completion of this project can be used as part of a portfolio to show potential employers that you are skilled at performing company valuations and financial statement analysis. Consider adding these skills to your résumé. Forecast of Economic Trends and Interest Rates-(weight 80% of the project grade). Based on the course material presented in week 2. You will need to check global and domestic economies trends. The decision what type of securities to buy or to sell depends on global and domestic economies trends because the economic situation of the country is a main factor of profitability. A good understanding of the industry and macroeconomic situation is also useful for explaining the past performance and creating a reliable forecast of future sales and profits. You will be using your findings in all parts of this written assignment. Select at least four (4) news articles that discuss U.S. short-term and long-term economies trends. Specifically, you will need: the forecast of economic growth and data-driven the short-term and long-term forecast of interest rates. At least two news articles should be dated within the past month. Two articles should be dated within the past 6 months. The articles should be from an on-line newspaper or magazine, or government website. Materials posted on educational websites, like and, as well as on are not considered news articles even if they are recent and relevant. Your specific assignment is as follows: – Compare and contrast the opinions of the authors of the articles regarding the forecast of economic growth (about 1 page). Compare and contrast the opinions of the authors of the articles regarding the forecast of short-term and long-term interest rates (about 1 page). Then, summarize key points of the articles in one page. For the comparison sections, present the key information, data, and statistics to support your conclusions. Write in your own words with brief quotations from the article(s). For all quotations, statistics, and other information attributable to a specific source, include in-text citations and references formatted in accordance with the current edition of the APA style manual. Reflection (5% of the project grade). Write a paragraph in your own words reflecting on what they learned from the assignment and how you think you could apply what they learned in the workplace or in their everyday life. Presentation of Paper and Writing (15% of the project grade): Organization, format, and presentation of paper including the title page, introduction, body, and summary. Begin each section with a subheading; use the subheadings described in the assignment (4% of the project grade). Use of tables, figures, and other graphics to summarize and support analysis presented in the paper. All tables and charts should have the numbering system: “Table 1”, a substantive title, and a reference to the source of the information. (3% of the project grade). Logical and smooth flowing transitions and relationships among sections of the written report (3% of the project grade). Research sources and significance of research information and data, and use of APA (7th edition) citation methodology (5% of the project grade).

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