Select an activist group, past or present, that interests you that is working to


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Select an activist group, past or present, that interests you that is working towards some sort of social change. This could be a group who you support, oppose, know little about, or have heard much about. Examine the group’s goals, tactics/strategies, messages, and use of various forms of media (including social media). 1) Describe the activist group you chose. Identify the group’s commitment to a larger social movement or cause, and discuss its particular goals. 2) Discuss the core movement elements and social movements concepts you see in this group (use Ch. 1 to help). 3) Describe the group’s media campaign. Which forms of media or messaging do you think is most successful and why? 4) What other strategies than media does the group use to achieve its goals? (ex: protests, rallies, boycotts, etc.) 5) How effective is the group at convincing others to join the cause? What kind of reaction did they elicit from you? 6) Using Chapter 2 in Almeida, what type of research method would you use to collect your own data about this group? Why? (a few sentences) 1-2 pages, double-spaced. At least TWO sources, cited in APA.

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