Service Life Cycle Suppose a company intends to offer a new service to some


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Service Life Cycle

Suppose a company intends to offer a new service to some of its internal customers. Discuss how the fact that the customers are internal would change the process of managing the four phases of the service life cycle.
Address the following questions:
How does the internal nature of customers influence service introduction, considering factors like organizational culture and potential resistance to change?
How do internal customer relationships affect service growth, including feedback mechanisms and resource utilization?
Support your work with concepts, principles, and theories. at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles required
Cite the the textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
Formatted according to APA 7th edition (times new roman size 12 double spacd)
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Unique Answer.
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4-5 Pages which do not include the title page and reference pages.
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