The first part is in form of a written Master’s Dissertation, in which you will


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The first part is in form of a written Master’s Dissertation, in which you will be required
to independently conduct a Literature Research on one topic relating to the course
content and write a Literature Review based on the research. You will summarise the
current state of research, discuss and evaluate methods used in the publications, and
critically appraise the research area, pointing out gaps in knowledge.
I could only choose Doctorate but it is a Masters.
The second part is in form of a recording, in which you will present your written
dissertation. (I have added 10 slides for this but you do not need to use all if not necessary. )
Possible Research Questions:
1. How do DEIB training programs influence employee perceptions of inclusivity?
2. What is the impact of diverse leadership teams on organizational performance?
3. How does the perception of equity influence employee engagement and job satisfaction?
I would like to include diversity washing.

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