The following information must be based on a project for Gestational Diabetics.


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The following information must be based on a project for Gestational Diabetics. The project is to start gestational diabetics on a continuous glucose monitoring device for closer monitoring and increase compliance with protocol. The current situation is that patients use a finger stick to check glucose values and have to send an email every week. This is an issue because most patients forget to check on a daily basis as instructed and they even forgot to send the logs of the values so it becomes very difficult to make sure they are being compliant. 1. DNP Project Title:Identify a title that incorporates key components of the PICO Question and Purpose.
PICO Question or Purpose:Formulate a PICO clinical question (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) or purpose to guide the development of your DNP Project.
Note: Not all clinical questions will include a “C” (comparison) condition.
The PICO question or purpose will be revised and refined through evidence and discussions with the DNP Project Team.
Problem Statement:Develop a succinct problem statement by addressing the following six components:Problem Identification: What is wrong with the current situation?
Background: What is the nature of the problem, and what context do readers need to understand?
Scope of the Problem: How big is the problem? How many people are affected?
Consequences of the Problem: What is the cost of not fixing the problem?
Knowledge Gaps: What information about the problem is lacking?
Proposed Solution: What is the basis for believing that the proposed study would help solve the problem?
References:Compile a list of relevant literature that you have retrieved, summarized, and synthesized, formatted in APA style.

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