-The purpose of this assignment is to help you reflect on your own adolescent e


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-The purpose of this assignment is to help you reflect on your own adolescent experience in terms of personality development.
– complete the Moral Foundations Questionnaire. This questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to complete and is designed to assess what principles and standards are most important to you in structuring your moral values. Read your results (you are not required to share them).
-Create a personal reflection about your personality development as an adolescent. Your reflection should include the following:
A connection between your adolescent experience and a theory of personality development.
A discussion of your identity formation and the formation of your values.
After completing the Moral Foundations Questionnaire above, what insights did you gain about your morals and values, and how have they changed since adolescence?
A discussion of at least one conflict and resolution that you experienced as an adolescent.
At least one song (include the lyrics), one movie (write a brief synopsis), and/or one TV show or book (write a brief synopsis) that was significant to you during your adolescence.
For each item you include, you must write an explanation of its significance to you and how it relates to your personality development.

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