This week we have seen an award winning documentary, read news coverage of a uni


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This week we have seen an award winning documentary, read news coverage of a union strike, and heard a staple song of the labor movement. For this assignment, you are tasked with seeking out another representation of a social movement of your choosing and assessing its message about the movement it depicts. This could be a film, song, website, social media profile, documentary, TV show or series, podcast, or news media, whatever you like. In your assessment, you should include: – a description of the source. Include a link, if possible. – what you learned about the movement from this source? – what is the function of this source? Is it informational? Entertainment? Motivational or encouraging people to support or join the movement? – what sort of message does this source send about the social movement? Is it positive or negative? Is it informative or biased in some way? Is it supportive of the movement? How is this conveyed or accomplished? Be specific. – assess this piece sociologically. Do you see connections to our previous readings or discussio of theory? For example, do you see some connection to our discussion of charismatic authority? 1-2 pages, double spaced. Any citation should be in APA format.

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