Week 3: Annotated Bibliography Instructions Select 10 scholarly articles (ALL AR

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Week 3: Annotated Bibliography
Select 10 scholarly articles (ALL ARTICLES MUST BE WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS) that will support your research paper. Write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography takes each article and a short paragraph is written stating how the article supports your research paper. Each scholarly article is listed (in APA format) then the paragraph is written.
This means I will be looking for 3 items for each source:
1. The reference.
2. A summary paragraph.
3. A paragraph that states how the article supports your research paper.
No reference list is needed because you are providing references in the assignment.
For an example of an annotated source in APA format, you can go to the OWL at Purdue. Scroll down to the APA Sample.
Here is another example.

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