You are in the role of a behavioral health outpatient therapist in a multi-servi

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You are in the role of a behavioral health outpatient therapist in a multi-service community agency. Your agency offers Outpatient Treatment for Adults which includes weekly psychotherapy for individuals, groups and families; psychiatric evaluation and medication assessment and monitoring.
Directions: Plan an evidence based assessment and intervention approach using the six steps of P.I.C.O.T. as illustrated in case study in Drisko article. Report out what you would need to do at each step.
Step 1: Identify Answerable Practice Questions and Research Information Needs. Identify an evidence based instrument to use for further assessment.
Step 2: Efficiently Locate Research Results. Conduct a search and identify one research study that could be helpful to your planning. This will be the “located knowledge” to be used in the next step.
Step 3: Critically Appraise the Quality and Applicability of the Located Knowledge to the Client’s Needs and Situation.
Step 4: Discuss the Research Results with the Client to Determine How Likely Effective Options Fit
with the Client’s Values and Goals [For this exercise, plan the discussion; how would you begin and what would you want to be prepared to report and discuss with Patti?]
Step 5: Synthesizing the Client’s Clinical Needs and Circumstances with the Relevant Research,
Develop a Shared Plan of Intervention Collaboratively with the Client [ This will be limited given the format of the exercise…discuss how you would approach this step?
Step 6: Plan how you would implement and evaluate the intervention. Identify possible goals, a possible evidence based intervention with client context and values apprised and possible evaluation.
(I will attach the Drisko article and the Word document of the entire assignment in the files box.)

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