You selected a MSN or doctorally prepared nurse leader that you admire to interv


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You selected a MSN or doctorally prepared nurse leader that you admire to interview regarding his/her experience in week 3. This week, you should interview them and write about the experience. You may conduct the interview in-person, on a conference call, or by video.
Include questions such as the following (and others you wish to add):
How would you define leadership?
How would you describe your leadership style?
How would you describe followership? What do you see as its importance for you as a leader?
Please describe a situation involving conflict or change. How did you manage the situation?
How has your role changed from when you were a BSN prepared nurse?
Would you please give an example of one of the most important lessons you have learned in being a leader?
Can you describe a time when you wanted to give up as a leader and how you overcame that?
What advice would you give a nurse who wants to increase his/her leadership skills?

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